The 8 Best Free Event Listing Websites For Virtual And In Person Events - Event Always


Free Event Listing Websites
free event listing websites

8 Event Listing Websites that will get you listed on Google and increase your reach to conference-goers

Multiplatform publishing companies can make live events a profitable and fun revenue stream. Passionate people will be committed to a topic and want to get to the source: the author, the guru or the expert who knows the subject. They desire an interactive presentation. They want to be able ask questions, read body language, and see facial expressions. Major publishers excel at this, getting big-name presenters and keynote speakers to draw in crowds. You can list your event on websites that help you spread the word.

This revenue platform was completely destroyed by the events of 2021, which resulted in many publishers losing money during those first months. Virtual events have proven to be a success for almost every publisher that we spoke with. Virtual events offer the opportunity to travel to new places and network with people face-to-face, but they are also very accessible. They're also extremely affordable for the publisher.

A number of the biggest publishing events in the year were successfully turned into virtual events.

  • Forbes hosts the CMO Summit (and many other events) which they transformed into the CMO Summit Virtual Series.
  • HOW hosts the How Design Conference. They have transformed it into a virtual experience, including a virtual exhibit area - an important feature of previous years.
  • Farm Progress hosts The Farm Progress Show, which has become a virtual experience.

These are great examples with thousands of people attending. Our niche publishers are also seeing positive results. Harvard's Program on Negotiation went from on-campus, in-person negotiation seminars to entirely virtual and has sold out all their events in advance.


Promote Your Virtual or In-Person Events With Event Listing Websites


You can list your seminar or conference online via event listing websites, regardless of whether you use Zoom, ON24 or any other virtual event solution. Although most attendees will be referred by email, it is important to list your seminar online through event listing sites. This makes it easy to reach new audiences and saves time.

B2B Event Listing Websites

For events that are targeted at professionals, you might consider some of these event listing websites.


Eventalways can be used as both a ticketing and listing website. You can register users and make money using the system to purchase tickets. They don't charge anything if the event is free. If you are attending an event in person, the app allows you to check-in at the door. Your event will be automatically added to the directory once it's been entered. Eventalways is a hugely popular platform for tech events, but it also covers investing and health.


10Times, a global platform to list events, is extremely popular in major cities such as New York. It features events from companies such as O'Reilly, IBM and Princeton. Numerous magazines and professional organizations host events. This event listing website also has a section for online events. People can browse thousands of listings online. It is also easy to use, which makes it easier for people find your event. You can pay more for your placement, though the price is not charged.

AllTech Conferences

If you are in the tech publishing industry, AllTech Conferences can help you list your event free of charge. It's easy to see the sheer number of virtual tech events by simply scrolling through the site. Imagine that visitors no longer have to decide if they are willing to travel to Germany or China in order to attend a particular event. Instead, they can choose the event they wish to attend from the content. Gary's Guide, another excellent resource for this niche, is available in NYC.


Colloq is different from the other listing sites, but it's a great way to do so. It's not US-based so it may be more suitable for international events. However, you can still list your event and search for free on Colloq like the other listing sites. Users can engage with events and then follow up. You can upload slides and publish your live stream.

LinkedIn Events

LinkedIn has been experimenting with the events feature but it appears that it is now a permanent feature. LinkedIn allows you to list your event and promote it via their ad system. This can help you get the visibility that you want.

B2C Event Listing Websites

These sites are better suited for those who cater to a wider audience. is another event site. However, we did not find it to be a good fit for professionals so it was left out of our review.

Facebook Events

B2C marketing is so reliant on Facebook's events platform, it would be easy to stop there. Facebook has a place for any consumer-facing event. It is simple to promote events using Facebook's cheap advertising platform. Users can also reply to an event by telling their friends that they will be attending it. This is a simple way to get involved in any event, B2B or B2C.


Entercom owns Eventful, which is very popular for community and educational events, as well as music. This site also has an email newsletter which reminds users about upcoming events in their local area. Eventful is more consumer-oriented and can be used to promote your booth at large events, charity events, or free promotional events. However, they also offer a section for professional events. It seems to be underutilized. It offers more features (photos and social media links), It is more popular than most competitors.

Another piece of advice is to find local people who are interested in your niche. Joselin Mane hosts BostonTweetup in Boston. He curates a list of tweetups throughout the Boston area. You can add events and he will send out updates and shout-outs to his over 19K followers. When live events resume, it's worth looking for people like these in your local area.

This platform allows you to submit an event to over a thousand event listing websites

There may be opportunities for you to list your events on local newspapers' websites. Listing events online is accepted by many community and business newspapers.
