How to Use Video for Event Marketing | Event Always



It's not easy to organize and market an event. It doesn't matter if you have the best venue or the best speakers. But if nobody shows up, the event will be a failure.

You need to attract potential attendees, even if your event marketing is done for in-person conferences, or for online events such as webinars.

Video is a great event marketing strategy for driving engagement during, after, and before events. This blog will discuss how to use video at all stages of your event marketing campaigns.

Why event video?

You must show potential attendees why you are the best choice when marketing your event.

It is important to create excitement. People go to comic cons, football games, concerts, and other events because they are exciting. They're fun. While you can discuss the practical benefits of your event such as speakers and networking opportunities it won't be able match the excitement generated by the event. Amazing event videos can capture that feeling of excitement, fun, freshness and discovery for your company.

Video can convey the joy and connection of an event better than words, photos and audio. Video allows attendees to be present in the moment. They will be able to see what makes your event unique and worth their time.

Video is the gift that keeps giving when it comes to event marketing. Video can be used throughout the event marketing process.

  • To drive registrations and virality
  • To drive engagement during the event
  • To drive action (and remind attendees about the fun they had and encourage them to attend other events in the future).

We'll be covering the best event marketing practices that will set you up for success in the next sections.

How to use video before the event

Let's face facts: There are many events competing for your attendees' attention. They are overwhelmed and tired. You must be different in order to persuade them to attend your event or stop by your booth at the show floor.

Get hype with event promo videos

Imagine the trailer for a blockbuster movie. It hypes you up for the film. Your event promotion video should do exactly the same: It should capture all the highlights and make people excited about your event.

A promo video for an event should include previews of the event content, mini-interviews and testimonials from past attendees.

Flexibility is key. You can use a ticket launch announcement, reminder, event announcement, or even a FAQ. To drive registrations, don't forget to include a strong call-to-action (CTA), and a landing page for your event.

Do you not have footage from past events? Your event marketing strategy should be creative. 

Connect with pre-event sales outreach videos to make connections

Connecting directly with potential attendees is one way to increase event attendance. Your event and brand will stand out by targeting prospects directly with personalized videos.

This can be done by your sales team with just a webcam. It takes only a few minutes. If you can convince your speakers to make outreach videos, even better!

Invite potential attendees to register or ask registered registrants to arrange a meeting with one your attending sales representatives. This is a great way to make those personal connections that will drive attendance.

How to use video during an event

It's finally here! You will be busy running the event. Don't forget to capture video footage that will maximize your event's long term return on investment (ROI).

Your in-event video opportunities should be considered strategically. These videos will drive registrations and provide rich content throughout the year.

Live Event Streams can help you expand your reach

It doesn't matter if someone can't make it to your event. You can engage people at home by live streaming your event, whether you broadcast every second or only the keynotes.

Marketo is a great example. Marketo live streamed the Marketing Nation Summit. The event saw almost a thousand people stream it, which increased its overall attendance by close to 15%. The Summit was a key program for Marketo's pipeline generation.

The Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care (AFMC) doubled its audience reach through live streaming 12 educational programs. Live streaming not only increased engagement but also saved money on catering and venue fees.

You can live stream your event to engage people, but recordings of streams can be used afterwards. After the event is over, recordings can be used to create valuable content that continues driving traffic for a long time.

Capture customer testimonials and thought leadership videos

All your customers, speakers, and business team members are in one place. Let them shine.

Make sure your speakers are a highlight of your event. Record thought leadership interviews from industry experts so you have fresh content that you can reuse later. You will find your speakers appreciate some extra promotion.

Video potential is also available to your attendees. You can set up a professional recording studio and ask people to share their stories. This is an excellent opportunity to meet the actual users of your product. You can capture testimonials for future programs and even full-blown case studies.

Get event testimonials from your attendees. Next year's registration drive will be fuelled by attendees recording their event-related emotions.

Use video everywhere

You can use video in many other ways during an event, even a scrappy smartphone video. Here are some examples:

  • Booth video being played at your show floor setup in order to draw passerby
  • Video used in speaking sessions for arousing the audience or to highlight specific points
  • Social media event promotion featuring videos that highlight event highlights and are easy to share with attendees.

How to use video after an event

Video after an event is just as important than it was before. Video can bring back wonderful memories and keep the event alive long after the lights go out.

You'll also end up with tons and tons of video to use in your editorial calendar.

Follow up with post-event videos

Your guests will have made many memories and met new people during your event. Video can be used to help attendees retain the most important information.

Your marketing team can create recaps of the event, while your sales team can follow up with hot booth leads via quick, personal videos.

Video is an excellent way to make attendees remember your event. Your brand will stand out from the rest.

Promote event videos and reuse content

Now you have your event videos. It's now time to put them to use. Future You will have to do a lot of work capturing all this video content. Current you is the one who has done it.

Vidyard believes that one event, such as our annual Fast forward video enablement conference, can generate enough material to keep us rolling out new content six months later or even a year later.

Your event videos can be used to strengthen your blogs, email campaigns, and social posts. Organize your videos in one location so that viewers can find and consume your content easily.

The video hubs by Vidyard are great tools for event marketing. The hubs put all your videos together in one place, which reflects your organization's branding. It is also free from ads and distractions. The hub's video analytics tracks who is watching your videos and gives you insight into viewer behavior. Position your event videos to make them easy to consume. You can also learn about the best topics and video types for you.

Use Video to Promote Events

Video is the next best thing than being there in person. Video is a great way to capture the excitement, emotion, and fun of an event. It should be part of your marketing strategy.

You can increase attendance by being strategic in capturing and leveraging video. This will allow you to be more efficient and cost-effective.
