How To Plan A Workshop | Event Always



workshop is a small event that aims to provide informational value for attendees. Some examples of workshop ideas are photography lessons, coding classes and creative writing sessions. It goes beyond this. With the right planning, almost anything can be transformed into a workshop.

How to plan a workshop? These 20+ tips and tricks will help you.

This is everything you need before, during, or after your workshop to ensure it’s a huge success.

1. Answer the 5 Ws and 1 H.

Your workshop is made up of the 5 Ws and 1 H. Once you have the outline, it will be easy to share with your collaborators and create a roadmap that can help everyone get on the same page.

The meanings of the 5 Ws (and 1H) are:

  • Who will host this workshop?
  • What type workshop is it? A professional training workshop, for example, will be very different from a yoga workshop.
  • When do you plan to do it? Do you want to do it as a single event?
  • Where will this workshop be held? Will it be held in person? What are your expectations for participants? Click here to read the full blog.
